Press Kit

Are you doing a story on Abound? On this page you’ll find the visual assets, information, and guidelines you’ll need when covering our college guidance system in your blog articles or news releases. Check out Abound in the news.

Abound College Icon
Abound Logo
Logo set for the Abound program parent brand
abound partner icon
Abound Program Logos
Logo set for Finish College, Grad School, Nursing, and MBA
Fact Sheet Icon
Abound Fact Sheet
Learn what Abound is and how it works for students.

Logo Use

You are permitted to:

  • Use the Abound or Program logo to link back to us
  • Use the Abound or Program logo in social media buttons to link to your Abound school profile
  • Use the Abound or Program logo to advertise that your school has been vetted by and included in Abound
  • Use the Abound or Program logo in a blog post or news article about us

You need to contact us for permission:

  • If you want to use artwork not available on this page for download
  • If you want to use this imagery in a video or for mainstream media

You are not permitted to:

  • Create a modified version of the Abound or Program logo
  • Integrate the Abound or Program logo into your logo
  • Use any Abound artwork without permission
  • Sell any Abound artwork without permission
  • Change the colors, dimensions, or add your own text or images

To request more information email

In the News

Colleges Of Distinction Creates Groundbreaking Abound Program
June 26, 2017