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What Kind is Right for You?

Your previous work experience and current life commitments play a large part in which kind of MBA program is right for you. Below are examples of the most common types to look out for and consider during your search.



A traditional program is one that is most similar to the conventional idea of a college education. It is typically a residential or otherwise full-time program whose classes take place on campus. Traditional programs best fit those who aren’t currently working a 9-5 job and have little to no work experience.


A part-time program is best suited for those who are currently employed or committed to other time-consuming responsibilities. The program comes with flexible hours and course options that make it easier for those with a full-time job to complete their degree.


For those with multiple years of work experience, an Executive program provides an advanced education to mid- to senior-level professionals. These programs bring together a cohort of similarly matched professionals and meets once or twice a month for low-residency courses.


This program is aimed at students who desire to get involved in business at an international level. The Global MBA usually includes a concentration in International Business as well as the chance to work and study abroad for an extended amount of time.


On Campus

On-campus programs meet face-to-face at the school or any one of its satellite campuses. Whether they take place during the day or evening, these classes are most similar to the standard classroom model.


More and more institutions are developing online MBA programs that allow students to access their education from anywhere. Online courses may be delivered in either synchronous or asynchronous formats.

Synchronous courses happen in real time, and students are asked to log in at the same time as if they were attending an on-site class. Through synchronous courses, students are able to ask questions and get immediate responses as well as interact with their classmates while they’re all logged in.

Asynchronous courses deliver pre-recorded material that students are expected to access independently. The flexibility of these programs allow for any student to take class whenever is most convenient for them. Student-to-professor communication typically happens through email or forum-based discussion boards.


Blended courses, which take place both on campus and online, ask students to attend face-to-face lectures that are supplemented by online material. Also commonly referred to as “hybrid” courses, these classes are generally offered to give the flexibility of a 100% online program while also incorporating specific discussions or activities that a professor deems important for in-person interaction.

The structure of blended courses varies by institution, program, and individual course. For instance, some blended programs are designated as such because students take both fully online and fully face-to-face classes. Alternatively, some classes themselves are delivered in a hybrid format, meeting both face-to-face and online at different points throughout the term.